来宾简介:Megan Williams
Director of Undergraduate Studies /
Degree Scheme Co-ordinator Accounting and Finance and Business Finance /Teaching Fellow
- I have responsibility for the marketing and recruitment of the undergraduate school portfolio to overseas and home/EU students. I regularly go abroad and have continued partnerships with other institutions. In my role as Director of Undergraduate Studies I have initiated and re-vamped the Open and Visiting Days and changed the way we make offers to students. Conversion of students has increased this year from 22.1% to over 50%.
- I am a member of the University’s Committee to implement PDP. I have developed, implemented and managed PDP within the School, which has consequently been rolled out to the rest of the University during the academic year 2009/10. This has involved co-ordination with a wide range of departments and staff ranging from Senior Management to personal tutors within the School.
- I am a member and Director of the Undergraduate Board of Studies taking responsibility for the Accounting and Finance (A&F) and Business Finance degree schemes. During this time I initiated and led a complete review of both degree schemes to improve both the student success rate and student learning experience, whilst ensuring QAA benchmarks and criteria were being met. Other duties on this Board are to ensure ongoing curriculum development through module and degree scheme evaluation and development initiatives. I piloted the use of Lecture Capture, and from the positive feedback that I have received more staff have been encouraged to take up and use the facility.
- I have responsibility for organising and managing the Induction and Career Development Planning programme within the School. The has included embedding employability into degree schemes and encouraging students to participate in the Year in Employment Scheme. I am currently a member of the University’s Placement Development and Support Network Group.
- I am a lecturer and module co-ordinator on many undergraduate and postgraduate (both MBA and Masters) modules throughout the subject areas of A&F. I am responsible for all of the undergraduate financial accounting modules, and have taught on management accounting, case studies and quantitative modules. On an ongoing basis I continually develop and adapt these modules through changes in design, content and mode of delivery.
- On an annual basis I prepare the teaching allocation for the A&F team. This includes the allocation of modules taught and the tutorial teaching load. This role includes responsibility for recruiting postgraduates as teaching assistants and arranging for part-time staff to teach on any modules not covered by the current complement of staff; this is ongoing throughout the Academic year.
- On an ongoing basis I liaise with the professional accounting bodies to ensure the continued accreditation of the A&F degree schemes. I also organise presentations and Business Games with these bodies for our students to net-work and increase their awareness of employment opportunities.